Prophet North America Spotlight: Anthony Valentine

With more than 15 years at Prophet, Senior Developer Anthony Valentine from Prophet North America is stepping into the spotlight! He’ll be sharing his most memorable experiences at Prophet and giving us a behind-the-scenes look at who he is.

What is your position in Prophet, and what has been some of your highlights at the company thus far?   

Senior developer – highlights have been working with people from multiple nationalities on world class software, having an impact on an industry as crucial as fresh produce.

Changing bespoke workspaces allows me to improve the ease of use for end users, literally making someone’s workday easier.

It’s also nice to walk into a major shopping chain and see labels I’ve created, used on cartons of produce.

What does your job entail on a day-to-day basis? 

No two days are the same due to the variety of work and the bespoke nature of how our customers use our software. Typically, I work on anything from customizing workspaces, creating or altering reports to working directly with the database providing business intelligence.

What do you most enjoy about your job?

The opportunity to resolve, sometimes complex, problems for our customers and staff.

What is the most interesting/exciting place you have visited?

Everywhere is interesting but I think I’d have to pick Rome at a push, so much history and culture there.

What are your top three hobbies?

Exercising/sports, reading and traveling.

Name the top three items on your bucket list:

  • Visiting the Masai Mara for game viewing.

  • Scuba diving the Galapagos Islands.

  • Overland travel across continents, Alaska to the tip of Chile for example.

Anthony’s passion and enthusiasm truly shine through in his day-to-day work. We’re lucky to have such a dedicated and vibrant team member at Prophet North America. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Anthony! Here’s to many more exciting milestones ahead.