Mark Peachey
Founder/Managing Director
Mark Peachey grew up in a family produce business with 70 retail stores and a number of wholesale and food service outlets in London’s wholesale markets.
After gaining a first class honours degree in Economics and Politics (with a specialist computer technology emphasis) from the University of Bath, Mark won an ESRC scholarship to Oxford University to study Politics, gaining a Master’s degree and going on to do doctoral research and teach for a number of years. Computer technology remained a keen interest throughout.
Mark was a founder director of Prophet in 1989. Since that time, he has been involved in software design, programming and project implementation and has been responsible for all aspects of the “vision” of the software’s future and the management of the people who develop it. He has a wide-ranging knowledge of systems and systems design and has worked on more than 150 different systems projects over the years. This has taken Prophet from a proprietary technology and database, through Unix and into the Microsoft Windows development environment - all by way of a seamless upgrade path on Prophet.
While much of this experience has been in the supply chain for the UK supermarket sector, Mark has been at the forefront of the increase in Prophet’s presence in the European, North America and South African markets.